
Harnessing Supplements, Acupressure And Acupuncture

I’ve immersed myself in natural wellness over a decade of honing my craft as an acupressure specialist and the mind behind the blog. Daily acupressure practice has not only been a cornerstone of my health regimen but also a tool through which I’ve guided countless individuals toward overcoming stress, chronic pain, and sleeplessness.

In this concise exploration, we unveil 5 quick and effective ways to lower cortisol levels, blending the wisdom of supplements, acupressure, and acupuncture. We’ll delve into how these approaches work harmoniously with your body, their distinct advantages, and simple steps to incorporate them into your lifestyle for lasting health benefits.

What are Cortisol Levels and Why Lowering Them is Important?

Cortisol, often dubbed the “stress hormone,” is pivotal for various bodily functions, including regulating metabolism, reducing inflammation, and controlling the sleep-wake cycle. Produced by the adrenal glands, cortisol levels naturally fluctuate throughout the day, peaking in the morning and tapering off by evening.

While this hormone is crucial for survival, chronic elevation can wreak havoc on health, leading to a myriad of issues.

High cortisol levels have been linked to significant health problems, including weight gain, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, and impaired cognitive functions. Furthermore, prolonged elevation can disrupt sleep patterns, lower immune function, and increase the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease and diabetes. Clinical studies, such as those published in the New York Academy of Sciences ( have underscored the detrimental effects of sustained cortisol elevation on both physical and mental health.

Therefore, Lowering cortisol levels is beneficial and essential for maintaining overall well-being. Reducing cortisol can enhance your immune system, improve heart health, stabilize blood sugar levels, and support mental health, leading to improved quality of life.

Employing methods like acupressure and acupuncture, alongside the right natural supplements, offers a synergistic approach to lowering cortisol levels.

This combination not only aids in stress management but also promotes overall health holistically. These techniques have been researched for their potential to effectively decrease cortisol, demonstrating that when used together, they can significantly enhance the body’s natural ability to maintain balance and well-being.

What are Natural Ways to Quickly Lower Cortisol Levels?

Lowering cortisol levels naturally involves leveraging a broad spectrum of strategies, each offering distinct rhythms of relief and effectiveness. In my role as a holistic health practitioner, I’ve discovered that while certain methods like deep breathing can provide immediate stress relief and directly combat the stress and anxiety that spike cortisol levels, others may unfold their benefits over time.

Deep breathing is a cornerstone technique in my daily routine, serving as a quick fix for managing stress and anxiety, and a direct method to help lower cortisol levels. This simple yet impactful practice is crucial for anyone seeking to manage stress more effectively and counteract the rise in cortisol levels triggered by everyday stressors.

Acupuncture, with a special focus on auricular acupuncture, is significant in my wellness practices. This technique, which requires a licensed practitioner, targets specific points on the ear to reduce stress levels and potentially lower cortisol levels, showcasing its importance in my holistic health arsenal.

On the other hand, acupressure is universally accessible, allowing anyone to apply simple techniques to pressure points such as Yin Tang, Ren 17, and Shenmen (HT7) at home. This approach is instrumental in managing stress and anxiety, fostering a balanced stress response.

Integrating acupressure mats into my routine has been a transformative lifestyle change, significantly enhancing my capacity to manage stress and effectively lower cortisol levels. Using these mats has been a game-changer in my holistic health practice, highlighting the profound impact of specific lifestyle modifications on our body’s ability to manage stress and anxiety. Regular sessions with a high-quality acupressure mat promote relaxation and support my efforts to lower cortisol levels, making it an essential tool in my stress management toolkit.

In addition to these practices, incorporating supplements to lower cortisol is pivotal in my holistic approach. Notable supplements like Ashwagandha, Omega-3 Fatty Acids, Rhodiola, Vitamin C, and Magnesium have been scientifically recognized for their efficacy in reducing cortisol levels and managing stress. These supplements are key to my strategy to enhance wellness and manage stress.

Shenmen (HT7) means “Spirit Gate” – A special point for Stress Relief. Mild pressure for 45 seconds. You can alternate left and right hand for up to 3-5 minutes. Do this a few times per day, regularly or as needed.
Mari Emma

How long does it take to lower cortisol?

Unfortunately, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer to how long it takes to lower cortisol levels. The timeframe is influenced by various factors, including the root cause of elevated cortisol, its severity, the methods employed to reduce it, and individual physiological differences.

Understanding the timeline for lowering cortisol levels is nuanced, as several factors play a pivotal role in this process.

Root Cause: The duration required to normalize cortisol levels significantly depends on whether the elevation is due to acute stressors, such as a singular stressful event, or chronic stress, which stems from ongoing challenges like work stress or personal issues. Acute stress-related spikes in cortisol can diminish relatively quickly, often within a few hours after the stressor is removed. Conversely, cortisol elevations from chronic stress may need more sustained efforts to bring levels back to normal.

Severity of the Condition: The initial severity of elevated cortisol levels also influences the time it takes to achieve a balance. Higher baseline cortisol levels or larger spikes in response to stress might require a longer period to adjust and stabilize.

Individual Variability: The speed at which cortisol levels can be balanced varies from person to person. Factors such as age, current health status, and genetic makeup can affect how quickly and effectively one can lower their cortisol levels.


I’ve crafted a comprehensive stress reduction and cortisol management approach by weaving together deep breathing, acupressure sessions, and supplements. This holistic method not only aids in lowering stress but also prevents the negative impact of elevated cortisol levels.

In sharing this knowledge, I aim to empower others to make informed lifestyle changes that nurture a healthier stress response and promote a more balanced life, integrating thebest acupressure mats and effective supplements to lower cortisol as part of their wellness journey.

Mari Emma
Mari Emma

(The author is an accomplished acupressure specialist and the visionary behind With over a decade of expertise, she excels in harnessing the power of pressure points to alleviate pain, mitigate stress, and enhance overall well-being. Her extensive experience has empowered numerous individuals to discover relief from chronic pain, fatigue, anxiety, and insomnia. Through her blog, she generously shares practical tips for embracing a holistic lifestyle and employing natural remedies.)

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