
House of the Dragons Extended Comic-Con Trailer: More Dragons

Matt Smith as Daemon Targaryen in Game of Thrones: House of the Dragon.

Cheer up Daemon, I’m sure it’ll go well for your family in… uhh… *flips through history books* oh no.Screenshot: HBO

House of the Dragon wowed us earlier in the week with its new trailer setting the stage for a Game of Thrones prequel so full of dragons, civil war, and political intrigue that, well, you’d be convinced it’s a Game of Thrones prequel. But while we had to wait compared to folks who were at Comic-Con yesterday, we’ve finally got an even bigger look.

House of the Dragon brought cast and crew and a new extended trailer to its panel yesterday at San Diego Comic-Con, but for us commoners more akin to Flea Bottom than the Red Keep that is Hall H were left waiting to see just what was new for the trailer… until now, that is.

Comic-Con Extended Trailer | House of the Dragon (HBO)

The fact that it’s not entirely new means that what we’re getting is mostly just more of what we got already—but what we got was already pretty good. Matt Smith in a questionable wig as Daemon Targaryen, at the heart of a political powderkeg game of succession? Check. said powderkeg violently exploding into all out Targaryen civil war? Check. Dragons roaring, flying, breathing fire, and generally being quite awesome and horrifying in equal measure? Check, check, and check.

House of the Dragon has a lot to live up to stepping out of the shadow of Game of Thrones—especially the way it ended. What we’ve seen so far at least sets the stage for it to have the potential to do so. All it’ll take is a little Fire and Blood.

House of the Dragon hits HBO and HBO Max August 21.

Want more io9 news? Check out when to expect the latest Marvel and Star Wars releases, what’s next for the DC Universe on film and TV, and everything you need to know about House of the Dragon and Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power.

story originally seen here