
16 Frequently Used Household Items You Should Probably Replace

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Hey Alexa, play “Irreplaceable” by Beyoncé. As spring slowly rounds the corner, the thought of spring cleaning is tagging along behind it. It’s out with the old, in with the new, from your wardrobe to your signature fragrances to your household items.

Regarding the latter, it’s easy to remember to replace things around your home that make it strikingly obvious when they don’t work anymore, like a lightbulb or an empty roll of toilet paper. But with more subtle things like your shower curtain liner or air filter, it can be harder to keep track of when to replace each item. That’s where we come in.

We’ve rounded up some of the most frequently used items in your home that are easy to forget to refresh, but are important to replace regularly nonetheless. This can help with avoiding germs and keeping your home clean and safe, because you deserve nothing but the best quality of life, from the moment you wake up to the moment you reunite with your bed at night. So, as Queen Bey said (to your kitchen sponge, mascara and everything else below), “Don’t you ever for a second get to thinking you’re irreplaceable.”

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