Can Yaman

Belén: “I’m not pregnant” – Trash Italiano

The singer denies the rumors of the last few days about her alleged pregnancy

Here comes the official denial Belén Rodriguez: “I’m not pregnant.” About a week ago, rumors began to circulate that Belén was pregnant. The gossip expert spread the word Alessandro Rosicaauthor of several primers on many Italian entertainment celebrities, including the end of the relationship between Diletta Leotta e Can Yaman.

The clue of the silver ring

The journalist had stated that he had received the information from some figures in the world of Italian entertainment: the chorus girl is expecting a baby from Elio Lorenzoni. Almost in an indirect confirmation, Bethlehem had shown photos on Instagram with one silver ring similar to a faith; fans have gathered the clues and hypothesized that the couple is thinking about marriage or in any case cohabitation and that the showgirl was pregnant.

Here comes the denial

But the person of interest on his Instagram profile immediately denied and silenced the rumors that were proliferating on social networks

“I’m not pregnant, I’m just calm.”

And immediately after a statement that opens a new front of discussion among supporters:

“I’ll be back soon, soon, there’s less and less left.”

Bethlehem is he about to return to host a new show?

story originally seen here