Can Yaman

From career to personal battles

It’s Saturday and, like every weekend, Verissimo plays. From Francesca Chillemi to Can Yaman, through Oriana Sabatini and Barbara Foria, there will be many guests at Silvia Toffanin’s salon. Among them is also Federico Fashion Style, in the studio to talk about the serious assault he suffered recently. Verissimo, the guests of the weekend (Saturday 27 and Sunday 28 April): from Can Yaman to Carlotta Ferlito, but also Federico Fashion Style and Oriana Sabatini. Federico Fashion Style, who is he? Born in Anzio (Rome) on October 5, 1989, Federico Fashion Style -real name Federico Lauri- is 34 years old. Among the most famous hairdressers in Italy, he began his hairdressing career at the age of 13, when, after leaving school, he decided to work for a friend of his father’s salon, Paolo Biddeci. At the age of 18, he decided to dedicate himself to his business, opening his first stores in Anzio, Milan, and then in Sardinia. Thanks to the great success achieved on social networks, since 2019 he has presented the show ‘Il salone delle meraviglie’ on Real Time, while in 2021 he participated in ‘Dancing with the Stars’, a partner with Anastasija Kuz’mina. Also in 2021, she presented ‘Beauty Bus’ on Discovery+. In 2022 he was a commentator on the show ‘La pupa e il secchione’, hosted by Barbara D’Urso. The relationship with Letizia Porcu After 17 years together with his partner Letizia Porcu, with whom he also had a daughter by assisted insemination, Sophie Maelle, in 2022 Federico Fashion Style announced their separation. The coming Last October, during an episode of ‘Belve’, Federico Fashion Style confessed to being homosexual, however, he emphasized that the feeling he had for his former partner for years was real and their relationship was not the result of fiction: ‘ I think Letizia always knew she was homosexual. I don’t think that if her husband comes home dressed in sequins a woman doesn’t ask herself any questions, maybe there’s something that doesn’t fit, that doesn’t fit… but maybe it’s fine with her too. ‘. Upon discovering his homosexuality, the hairdresser said at the time: “Homosexuals are born like this – he says – maybe even when I was little I felt different from others, because I liked to do girls’ hair while others played with boys” . Federico Fashion Style confesses to Belve: “My wife always knew I was gay. Maybe it was good for her too”. Obesity The hairdresser suffered from eating disorders during adolescence. This topic has also been discussed during interview with Francesca Fagnani in Belve: “I weighed about 110 kg. I hid inside myself, it was my only way out.” , so much so that last year she decided to undergo cosmetic surgery to remove excess skin. After losing several kilos, she indeed had excess skin on her abdomen, which had not managed to reshape after the loss of weight. Also in Belve, Federico Fashion Style spoke about his tense and complicated relationship with his daughter: ‘It’s not that I don’t see her, I see her too little’. And to the question of Fagnani about what kind of father he is to his daughter, Federico added: “For me, this girl is my reason for living, I think there is nothing else but her. I am a special father, I can be a father, I can be a mother, I can be his best friend. I am everything for her, I live for her’. Disease Federico Fashion Style suffers from varicocele, one of the most common diseases of the male reproductive system. The pathology can cause fertility problems in a certain percentage of patients, which is why he and his partner conceived their daughter through artificial insemination. The assault Just a week ago, Federico Fashion Style was the protagonist of an unpleasant episode while on a train, later explained on social networks: ‘Slap and punch in the face on an Italo train in front of everyone Being insulted and attacked for sexual orientation is a shame! It’s a shame that in 2024 all this is still happening. There are still shitty homophobes and still, it’s called a shitty frame’. After thanking fans for the closeness shown, Federico Fashion Style appealed: “Please stop calling people gay. Homosexuality is not a disease.” Federico Fashion Style attacked the train: “Puncs and slapped in the face, there are still those who say you’re a piece of shit’.

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