Kerem Bürsin

It was claimed that they were in love! Kerem Bürsin confession of Hafsanur Sancaktutan

Hafsanur Sancaktutan, who met with a friend in Nişantaşı, answered the journalists’ questions. The famous actor stated that he plans to welcome the new year abroad and said: “I am making plans to go abroad. I wish for a more peaceful and livable year. I want a beautiful, healthy and peaceful year inside for me. This year. it’s been good, I’ve experienced negativity, but I’m getting stronger and overcoming it.”

Sancaktutan stated that the series “What if You Love It Much” did well and said, “We worked on it in the summer, it went well. Yes, it lasted 13 episodes, but the international sales were also good. We were satisfied. in every way, as a cast and as a team.”

It was claimed that they were in love! Kerem Bürsin confession of Hafsanur Sancaktutan

In response to allegations of love with his colleague Kerem Bürsin, Sancaktutan said that there was no romantic relationship between them. Regarding the words of Kerem Bürsin, he said: “We meet with Kerem from time to time. There is no such thing. Kerem is my friend. Did he say that? Maybe he was misunderstood because Kerem talked a little about European, but there is no. situation. My heart is empty.”

story originally seen here